Counselling Service

Counselling is talking to someone about your problems. A Counsellor can help you to look at ways of coping with these challenges. Counselling at Streetwise is Friendly, Non-judgemental, Confidential and Free.

Sometimes in life we can find things stressful or difficult to cope with. Counselling is one way to help you work through your Worries, Problems, Thoughts, Emotions or Trauma.

During your Counselling Session you’ll be encouraged to talk about your worries and emotions in a safe and Confidential Space with a Trained Counsellor. They can help you get a better understanding of your emotions, circumstances, and thought processes and will support you to find your own strategies and solutions to help you move forward, cope and recover.

Your Counsellor will listen, accept and respect what you share. They will not judge or patronise you. They will not tell you what to do. They will support you through your Counselling Journey so that you feel able to make the decisions and choices that you feel are right for you.

Counselling is entirely Confidential. We will only share information with your Consent, or in order to help keep you safe.

Counselling Sessions last 50 minutes and are usually on the same day and at the same time each week. You will see the same Counsellor on a regular basis for at least six weeks. A few more sessions may be discussed if needed. If for any reason you and your Counsellor are not a good match, you can request an alternative Counsellor.

What kind of counselling could I have?

If you are aged between 11-17 contact your GP or make a referral via the Newcastle/ Gateshead Single Point of Access (SPA) SPA can be contacted via email at or by calling 0303 1231147

If you are aged between 18 and 25 you can make a Self-Referral.

You are able to access Counselling Support in some Schools in Newcastle. To see whether your School hosts a Streetwise Hub, please see our Youth Work and Outreach.

If you don’t feel able to ask for support/help yourself, someone can do this for you, for example a Parent/ Carer, Friend, Teacher, Mentor etc.

Support Topics

Additional Support and Information on Mental Wellbeing can be found via our Topics:

Mental Wellbeing Support Topics

Need Someone to Talk to?

Download our Leaflet or make a Referral.

Streetwise Guide to Counselling
Streetwise Characters - Streetwise North Newcastle Young Peoples Project

Unit 3 Blackfriars Court, Dispensary Lane, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 4XB
Registered Charity no: 1058360
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