Vision, Aims, Achievements, Annual Report & Performance Statistics


All Young People have an equal right of access to high quality Services that are responsive to their needs, challenge inequalities, recognise diversity and enable them to grow into healthy and resilient adults.


The aim of the Charity is to preserve and provide for the Physical and Mental Health of Young People aged 11-25 years by providing advice, information and support, without distinction of sex, sexuality, disability, race or political, religious or other opinions, in a common effort to Advance Education and to provide facilities in the interests of Social Welfare;

Beneficiaries include those living in Newcastle upon Tyne, Gateshead, North Tyneside, Northumberland, South Tyneside, Durham and Sunderland.


  • To support Young People to achieve a greater understanding of themselves and their relationship to their world, the people, and communities around them, so they can achieve their potential.
  • To encourage Young People to have a greater awareness and understanding of their personal resources in order to make healthy lifestyle choices; build their resilience, understand their personal responsibilities, increase their self-worth, reduce risks and make effective decisions.
  • To involve Young People in the design and commissioning of Services that meet their needs and to ensure their knowledge and understanding is recognised and used to inform and influence Funders, Commissioners and Policy Makers.


Respect – The needs of Young People are recognised and are at the heart of all Service design and delivery. Young People have the right not to be judged and to feel safe and protected. Young People are respected and their culture, diversity, background and experiences are valued.

Rights – Inequalities, oppression, discrimination and exploitation faced by Young People are challenged and we provide Services within an equal opportunities framework.

Choice – Young People have open access to Services, supported by highly motivated and skilled staff. Prejudice and misconceptions held by Young People about other groups and/or members of society will be challenged constructively to enable them to understand and embrace equality and diversity.

Participation – Young People engage voluntarily and are encouraged to make informed choices based on accurate and clear information.


Streetwise exists to provide free, confidential, non-judgemental information, advice and counselling Services that inspire and empower Young People to make informed choices and enhances their personal, social and emotional development, equipping them with skills for life.

Achievements and Performance

During 2023/24 Streetwise supported work with over 5,139 Children and Young People supporting 19,737 hours/contacts.

Counselling : 938 Individuals
Mental Health & Wellbeing: 724 Individuals
Early Help School Youth Hubs: 561 Individuals
Outreach Youth Work Hubs : 348 Individuals
Group Work & Social Action : 101 Individuals
Relationships & Sexual Health Outreach: 2,467

Young People’s Feedback

The Views, Opinions, Observations and Feedback from Young People is central to the work we do here at Streetwise, it helps to shape and develop our Services and inform and influence our Practice Development.

Felt Listened to
Better able to cope with Difficulties
Rights Respected
Positive Choices
Increased Confidence
Recommended a Friend

Safeguarding Risks

In total 179 Safeguarding Concerns or Risks were raised during either Initial Assessment or Therapy this compares to the Previous Year at 234. The main Risk Area continues to be Suicidal Thoughts and Ideation (111).

Suicidal Thoughts / Ideation
Self Harm
Sexual Exploitataion
Physical Harm
Domestice Voilence
Harm to Others

Annual Report

Streetwise Young People’s Trustees’ Annual Report and Financial Statement
2022 – 2023


The Trustees are pleased to present their Annual Report together with the financial statements of the Charity for the year ended 31 March 2023 which are also prepared to meet the requirements for a Directors’ Report and accounts for Companies Act (2006) purposes.

The Financial Statements comply with the Charities Act 2011, the Companies Act 2006, the Memorandum and Articles of Association, and Accounting and Reporting by Charities: Statement of Recommended Practice applicable to charities preparing their accounts in accordance with the Financial Reporting Standard applicable in the UK and Republic of Ireland (FRS 102) (effective 1 January 2019).

It is with great pleasure and excitement that I write this year’s Chair’s Report as it provides the opportunity to explore the successes achieved and lessons learned during the challenging and tumultuous world of the Covid Pandemic and applied learning in the post Covid environment. All this against a backdrop of the alarming cost of living rises and the financial disorder in which we find ourselves.

Over the past year, Streetwise has with flexibility, adaptability, innovation, creativity, and endurance survived the adversity of the World Pandemic and emerged as a more resourceful, capable, and stronger Organisation. We are to be congratulated for weathering the many challenges that faced us during, and towards the latter period of, the Covid Pandemic, and moving forward to apply lessons learned to our Core Services in the new post-Covid landscape. Please see report…

Streetwise Characters - Streetwise North Newcastle Young Peoples Project

Streetwise Logo
Unit 3 Blackfriars Court, Dispensary Lane, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 4XB
Registered Charity no: 1058360
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