Corporate Partnerships

Streetwise is continuously exploring Opportunities to partner with Organisations that are seeking to develop Meaningful, Long-Term Relationships with the Charity.

Promote Health & Wellbeing in your Business
Upskilling your workforce via our Corporate Training – see below
An opportunity to give something back – e.g. Volunteer Days where you can engage your employees in a range of direct and indirect activities in our communities
Charity of the Year – make Streetwise your Nominated Charity and support your Team in their efforts to fundraise for us
Raise your Business Profile through association with Streetwise, one of the most active yet unassuming Charities in the North-East

We are constantly evolving how we help improve the lives of Young People in our Community and the support of our Partners is key to this. Talk to us about your Charitable Objectives so that we can explore ways to help you achieve them.

Corporate Training

Streetwise provides Training on a wide range of Topics to a diverse group of Organisations across the North-East and beyond.

Current and past Celebrated Partners include:

Streetwise Training

Streetwise offers Training in the following areas:

Suicide Awareness
Healthy Relationships
Staying Safe Online
Addiction / Substance Abuse
How Organisations can be LGBTQIA+ inclusive
How Organisations can ensure and enhance inclusion of BAME employees / stakeholders
Streetwise Characters - Streetwise North Newcastle Young Peoples Project

Unit 3 Blackfriars Court, Dispensary Lane, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 4XB
Registered Charity no: 1058360
Donations can be made via our
page or text

STREETWISE5 to 70085
one-off donation of £5.

STREETWISE10 to 70085
one-off donation of £10.

STREETWISE20 to 70085
one-off donation of £20.

Via PayPal:> Thank you
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