Streetwise – Sexual Health ‘On the Go’

Monday – 3:30 – 5:30 – Byker Sands Family Centre (ages 13 – 24)

On the GO Drop-in Streetwise Young Peoples Project

Sexual Health ‘On the Go’

Streetwise ONTHEGO! Youth Van – which is a bookable service bringing support to your doorstep; Outreach – which offers 121 and group support sessions in colleges, schools, community venues and universities; Tailored Outreach Sessions – which provide tailored sessions around issues affecting different groups, such as LGBTQ+ communities and those with additional needs.

Bookable ‘On the Go – Sexual Health Support Van.

You can book a visit from our dedicated Sexual Health Support Van. As well as being packed with resources, the van offers a space to speak confidentially with our Expert Team at a place you are comfortable with. Bring our Service to your doorstep (or community venue) through our booking form. Groups of  Young People and those working with Young People are also invited also book visits for groups. 

On the Go Booking Form
Children North East – Sexual Health Services
Sexual Health Service 4 Newcastle

Drop-in Location

Related Drop-ins

Streetwise Characters - Streetwise North Newcastle Young Peoples Project

Streetwise Logo
Unit 3 Blackfriars Court, Dispensary Lane, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 4XB
Registered Charity no: 1058360
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one-off donation of £5.

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